Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Before They Ask..."

     Fatigue and nausea were all I seemed to know during the first few months of carrying Mary. Feeling sick and exhausted I flopped on the couch, next to Jeff, early one morning just after our children had left for school. The prospect of getting through the day was a bit overwhelming with toddlers who needed me and lots of work to do. I made up my mind to call her and Jeff agreed.
Just moments later... the phone rang and it was Lori (the girl I just mentioned) calling to say that she had the day free and was wondering if she could come and help me? Tears of joy and relief flowed as I told her what I had just been thinking. You can imagine how happy she was too, to know that it was the Holy Spirit that had prompted her. 
 I don't remember whether the nausea lifted but I do know that the overwhelm did! God was watching out for me and performed this small miracle to let me know it. Immediately, my mind went to the verse: "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:2
That's not the only time our family has been on the receiving end. Sometimes it's been hard to be humble - to admit my need and that I can't always manage, stay on top...whatever. Always it has been a blessing, for I have formed friendships with "my girls" that live on.  
Once, I asked a friend, whose daughter was helping me weekly, how I could ever repay her? She told me I'd not be repaying her but passing on the blessing to others in years to come. This week my daughter, Grace, is away helping a family who is expecting a little one soon. I love having my girls help other Moms.
     God's Word says that "it is better to give than to receive". But remember, that in order for others to get to "give" someone has to be willing to receive. It's a bless-bless situation.