Several months ago I attended a "sewing day" at a friend's house. I arrived a little later than the only other guest. Getting there was a challenge as I took only my little children so that they could play and left my older girls at home to keep house. And the truth is; I'm not too accustomed to handling my children all by myself anymore...car seats, carrying things etc. We created a small whirlwind when we entered I guess, what with snacks, sewing basket and machine. Maybe I looked a little harried, maybe I seemed worn out. I don't remember how many little ones I had along that day.
But I do remember the comment from the other guest, after we were introduced. She was an "older woman"...you know, the ones the Bible says should teach us younger ones to love their husbands and to love their children? ..."I know just what you're going through...I had four children myself!" I know she meant well, I know she was trying to offer support but her words didn't sit right with me.
Since about half of my children have reached adulthood...and their numbers are being added to rapidly, I have a keen sense of the fleetingness of time. Immediately I thought "What I'm going through?... Oh no! That's not it at all...it's not 'what I'm going through', it's what is slipping by way too quickly!" There is so much to do..so much to learn, so much to teach and so much to say.
They say time flies when you're having fun. I recently heard a woman refer to life as "long". It made we wonder..is she having fun? Is she happy? You don't often hear "life is long".
Lord, help me to remember that there is always enough time for what is important to you. And to take one day at a time, for that is all you give. I don't want to run ahead of you or to worry about tomorrow.
Teach me, O Lord, to number my days,
That I may apply unto wisdom my heart.
And satisfy early my deep yearning heart,
That I may rejoice always.
Three-score years and ten
Are all our lives may hold:
Fleeting years we spend,
A tale so quickly told:
And judgment greets us then
Our Maker we behold.
Teach me, O Lord to number my days,
That I may apply unto wisdom my heart.
Stanley K. Brubaker