Some days we Moms just don't need to plan, God takes care of every detail for us. In fact, had I planned this day I would have been disappointed for it would not have gone the way I wanted it to! I heard some one say once "Stay flexible so you won't get bent out of shape" - that little saying has often helped me.
Every now and then we take pictures and name the folder "A Day in the Life of" so I did that today too. Of course, times are only approximate!
This is about how is went:
5:00 - shut off alarm :)
5:15 - get up, wake up James to rake our field on the tractor before he goes to work, make coffee
5:20 - read devotional, try to wake up
5:30 - take coffee out to James, walk property, turn off sprinkler on potato patch, check garden for sprouts
5:45 - read book of Esther, get ready for "Preparing to be His Helpmeet" class
6:30 - cook breakfast and pack James' lunch
7:00 - wake up Seth to send to the shop to hook up the trailer that someone wants to borrow - wake everyone else up
7:10 - Seth tells me his neck is swollen and hurts and almost passes out while I'm examining it - send girls to wake up Jeff
7:15 - gather family and pray for Seth
7:30 - Jeff leaves to hook up trailer - George the butcher arrives to butcher our steer and two goats - I go out with George while Hannah watches Seth and the girls make breakfast - Grace arrives home with her charge, 9 month old Abigail, after house sitting for my sister overnight.
8:00 - Jeff comes home and we eat breakfast

8:45 - I call a knowledgeable older lady for advice concerning Seth and study Buffalo Gnat bites online and conclude that's the culprit since he has an apparent gnat bite along his spine and was at the lake
last evening - Sarah starts the laundry
9:00 - I walk out with Peter and watch the slaughter for awhile, explaining all about everything, and I notice he's really holding tight to my hand :)
9:30 - friend Gina drops of baby Patty for Hannah to babysit

10:15 -a neighbor calls to borrow our mower and Seth offers to mow for them - I get Seth to sit and read a book instead as he's had another dizzy spell
10:30 - I make phone calls, catch up on email, write this blog post and look into spending the weekend in Genoa, NV with Jeff - little girls dote over babies

11:30 - We discover that little Abigail seems to have the chicken pox and rejoice because now Pete and Joe will be exposed! :)
11:15 - George the butcher goes over my order with me and I choose my cuts - He tells me all about going to the Catholic church and his girlfriend and I share some scripture with him
11:45 - Hannah leaves with Patty, to attend vacation Bible school and babysit for the rest of the day.
12:15 - George leaves and we organize lunch - open face turkey melts with pepper jack cheese - Sarah
continues doing laundry and plays the piano - Seth still has a head ache so takes some ibuprofen and lays down
12:20 - One little girl complains that another woke up the baby she just got to sleep - I say "well, you wake

12:30 - I try again to find a minute to plan a special weekend
1:00 - We send lunch plates outside with all of the little people so that Jeff can have a quiet, cool, relaxing lunch break
1:15 - nice relaxing lunch break
2:00 - Jeff takes a nap while kids play and I go back to the computer
2:30 - Mary makes cappuccinos for us :)

3:30 - Grace has finished her dress Ruth makes a smoothie for me to take to Jeff as I get the mail and
pick up cast -off produce for our chickens etc. from the local market. Joe calls Dad to ask if they can play with BB guns and he says NO!

4:00 - Grace takes a nap with Abby -the boys are playing croquet in the yard
5:25 - back from town and presenting my ideas to Jeff, Hannah's home again, kids still playing croquet
5:45 - Abby's aunt comes to pick her up - Hannah and Mary make supper - Sarah's does laundry - Grace is
packing for a weekend trip to Utah. I'm getting ready for our book study tonight
6:00 - We eat a hurried, odd meal consisting of steamed broccoli, salad and quesadillas
7:00 - Elizabeth arrives and we begin class. Jeff plays outside with the boys. Mary and Ruth start cleaning the kitchen. James gets home from his after work - work, that of swathing his Uncles pasture.
8:00 - Grace and Mary leave to my sisters to welcome them home from their road trip. We continue our7:00 - Elizabeth arrives and we begin class. Jeff plays outside with the boys. Mary and Ruth start cleaning the kitchen. James gets home from his after work - work, that of swathing his Uncles pasture.
Bible and book study.
9 or 9:30 - Everyone comes inside and returns home and we all talk and eat popcorn while Mary and Ruth finish the kitchen cleaning and make more quesadillas
10 or 10:30 Elizabeth goes home and we mosey off to bed.
I love that God never gives us more than we can handle. The day before this was very relaxing . Following a camp-fire the night before, we slept late (well some of us did), had a nice breakfast and spent a lot of time just talking around the kitchen table with our guest for the night, my son's girl friend. We didn't "do" much of anything at all that day. This not so typical Wednesday certainly made up for it though! God is good, his ways are higher than ours!!
I love that God never gives us more than we can handle. The day before this was very relaxing . Following a camp-fire the night before, we slept late (well some of us did), had a nice breakfast and spent a lot of time just talking around the kitchen table with our guest for the night, my son's girl friend. We didn't "do" much of anything at all that day. This not so typical Wednesday certainly made up for it though! God is good, his ways are higher than ours!!
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven--Ecclesiastes 3:1
Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the
LORD determines his steps.